On Monday, APRIL 22, 2019, 14 volunteers visited each class to read
books about the Earth and have discussions on what can be done to save the Earth.
The volunteers also gave out seeds to plant to each student and started an art project with them. The students decorated used cardboard and paper towel rolls to create a large mobile.
Fran Gross chaired the day.
We are very thankful to each person who comes and helps the students who are struggling. You can make a difference in the lives of these children. If you can help one-on-one with a child or as a classroom helper please let us know.
We encourage everyone to to help us keep these programs and
bring in new programs we would like to pursue for our kids!
Please let us know if you are interested in a tour of the school!
Marcy Feldman, President
Wendy Wagenheim, Board Chair